Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Dash wiring (IGN)

 Last couple of jobs before i can go for a power up is the Ignition switch and the steering stalks ,

The ignition switch is the Lucas type ,It threw me at first as i expected the switch to be

 OFF-AUX-IGN-Start  however it isn't mine is AUX -OFF-IGN- Start  

there is no wiring diagram in the box and nothing i could find in the web about wiring so after a bit of time arrived at 

Contact 1 also being at the top ,

I looked at the cables in the loom and they are 6mm so figured should use the same ,with the GDkit comes the spades and the housing for the plug so that was easy and soldered them for piece of mind however on the switch end that was another issue should have used yellow crimps due to the size of the cable but, as i was presented with double connections came up with another  idea 

first i split the cable into 2  then put the insulation back on  , I could then use 2 blue terminals on both of the connections 

insulation slides back on (note the heat shrink) 

crimped up 

Once crimped i the put heat shrink on the join , repeated this for the AUX and IGN 

heat shrink applied 


Monday, 6 June 2022

Exhaust(ing) Time

 I have opted for the unbalanced system  so comprises of 2 straight pipes with a cat down to the rear axle 

seemed to be straight forward and fitted easy .

Put the A clamps on the top to help with ground clearance

The silencers also seemed to be easy as they just slot on the ends of the pipe and the cherry bombs on the back of that 

Only problem i have now is the dvrs side is straight but the passenger side is pointing outwards 
Enough for today time for a beer and a think ( and Steve's input ) 

Update silencers went back to GD as one of them was not quite right when put back on the jig 
That should help to square things up (hopfully ) 

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Wiring ish

 I decided that after speaking to other owners  there is a small type of people that have no respect and open door of there cars !! how rude 

to combat this i have  installed a very simple alarm the idea being that once switched on (with a key switch)  as soon as the door is opened an alarm will go off . adding to this i also thought that i would install Bluetooth speakers for when i am stopped 

I purchased  a motorbike sounder as it is loud enough and draws little  current when activated 


sounder behind the dash 
i was planning to use the courtesy switches which then reminded me to look for the connection 

i found it in one of the multiplugs that connect the dash as there is no dash wire for this i took the wire out and joined it to mine.

courtesy wire joined the other two are light feed and spare 
This is work in progress so more to follow  wiring diagram 

i also intend to fuse the aux socket separately and run a new wire to it so i can use this as a battery charger if reqd  


Steering assembly part 2

 Once i had fitted the steering wheel it just looked too low  and I couldn't get in the car very well.

GD open day was coming up so good time to catch up with everybody and have a measure .

My steering hub was 50 cm from the floor and on the gd day everybody elses was 55 to 57cm 

eventually realized what i had done .

i have fitted the steering hub under the bracket as it wouldn't fit on the top but .... it needs to be on the top

In order to get it to fit i had to cut off the corners of the steering hub 

red mark shows were i cut ( forgot to take another pic ) 
It then fits on the top and my height is the same as all the others very happy and great to catch up with all the owners .
Now of course nothing fits on the other end 
I had 2 choices one was  to push in the steering shaft in so the rods would still fit  which i was reluctant to do as then the bracket to hold the column would then not have enough meatal to grip or 2
cut down the shaft by 30mm 
i chose the second .
Again Steve's welding services to the rescue 
Needs shortening by 30mm 

He did this by removing the socket shortening the bar and then assembling it all back together 
Just a pile of bits 

Looks the same but now 30mm shorter 

Fitted in finally together with the bracket that seems to be different to all the other cobras i saw 
Enlisted the son in laws help to fit the bracket 

Bracket fitted just need to fit the alumin surround 

Happy all in 

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

More wiring (boot)

 The number plate light gets its feed from a connector next to the fuel tank and goes in the boot at the hinge, I thought i could combine the two and place a boot light in the circuit  .

Started by glassing some wood each side of the boot and then a bit a 10mm heating pipe to hide the wires .

one side done ( hard to glass upside down ) 

Then moved on to the other side ,used p clips to secure the wire up to the light and all done



 Fitting the handbrake leather cover was next ,started off easy put a tie wrap on the top bit and then folded over to make it look right ,

Then i could see no way of securing the gaiter ,look at other blogs and they had a bracket which i haven't got, and figured that no one will see it anyway so .

brainstorming we came up with the idea that by welding the the 2 bolts on the handbrake could then use those to trap the gaiter .

bolts welded by my welder 

Then the gaiter could be fitted and using wad punches to make holes in the leather 

Holes in the leather 
in place 

Friday, 18 March 2022

Carpets next part

 Got a bit of time in the garage to day and was getting frustrated as the the next job was to fit the side carpet.

I was struggling with this because i didn't have enough power in my left arm to fit it and tuck it behind the pedal box .

Steve dropped in for a Tea and assisted ( well fitted it ) and it looks good Thanks Steve well worth the tea and the Subway .

Fitted the Stainless steel finishers to the windscreen stanchions as well these fit on the bottom button head so had to be careful not to disturb the washers behind it .Very  happy with how it all looks .

Drivers side 

always seems to be cables everywhere 

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Steering Assembly

 Tackling the steering which seemed straight forward ( o silly me )  

There are three bits to the steering  so started with  the lower section  removed the nut slid it over the spline and re fitted 

Lower section ( courtesy of Dales blog )  

Then to the middle section which has a rose joint that needs to be pushed on and fits in a pre drilled hole in the frame .
It soon became apparent that the heater isolators that I had fitted earlier were now in the way and had to be removed .
So not to be beaten Steve came up with the idea of moving them to the stainless steel pipes that go across the body so that's what we did  just in case i get too hot .

front section so close to the pipes had to remove the isolators 

isolators now in the cross pipes 

The last section fits on the bracket but can be adjusted up and down as well as in and out .
the issue here is that once the column is secured it can no longer move.

This will have to be left  until the dash and seal is fitted so i can see were the wheel wants to be  
I bought  a steering wheel from the scrappy so i could see were it would sit and my nice sister in law supplied me with a "cute" cover for it !!!

No words are necessary 

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Heater Vents

 This was going to be a bigger job than I thought .From a previous blog i have decided to fit Bluetooth speakers for use when the engine is off !!! .this has made a tight space even more tight .

The first issue was that there didn't seem to be enough room for the pipe coming from the screen vent to turn with out kinking or sitting on the tray which i didn't want  .

Second issue was that I wanted most of the heat to be in the footwells so had to devise some way to do this 

Third issue is i have a aux socket on the passenger side so want to put fuses on the undertray for the reverse lock out the Bluetooth and the aux socket.   

After brainstorming with Steve and buying a selection of fittings we (Steve !) came up with a plan . we found out by chance that the solvent plastic fitting are smaller than the push fit ,

First we cut the screen heater pipe as short as we dare .

heater screen cut down 
and then a male /female bend just went in with a bit of persuasion  .

 self tapping screw to hold in place 

next was the floor vent again using solven fittings 45 deg this time it gave us a sweeping bend 

the final challenge was to try and get as much air to the floor, idea was a equal tee on the pipe with the straight though going to the floor ,so if screen was required I can shut the floor vent .( if it works )   

finished  and repeated for drivers side 
Think this has gone in really well considering the room we didn't have .

Saturday, 15 January 2022

Fuel Bleeding and leak checking

 After looking at Dales blog realized  that bleeding the fuel and also flushing the pipes was a sensible idea  so made a fused wire to go from the battery to the fuel pump and released the pipe from the engine ( avoid using the bleed screw on the fuel rail as any dirt may affect the seal  started the fuel pump to bleed the system .

I was amazed at just how much fuel coms out the pipe the pump was only running for a short time and my container was full .

Re attached the pipe and pleased to say no leaks .